
Friday, 9 December 2016

embroidered brooches

Embroidering a little ATC has left me feeling all inspired to keep embroidering on a tiny scale.

I really like working with small designs but the question of what to do with them once they're made has stopped me from making more. Until now that is.
I've started making little brooches. I've made one already and that turned out pretty well (I thought so anyway 😊), so now I'm making more.

I'm sticking with fairly simple designs for now. Summery flowers and bees to stave off winter blues and one with birds and snow which is both wintry and blue! 

Embroidery is very calming. I've really enjoyed making these tiny stitches. Just focusing on each stitch as it's made. It's quite therapeutic. 

The snow flakes are such tiny details it is really tricky to photograph them.

These little brooches also have the added benefit of being relatively quick to make, compared to a larger piece. Which means WIPs quickly become finished objects. Woohoo for the satisfaction of finishing! Finishing a project and looking at the result is my favourite part of making; apart from giving it to someone and knowing that they like it too, which is also very satisfying.

Here's how they will look when they are finished

One down, two to go...

My fingers are already itching to make more.


I'm linking up with Thistlebears winter projects

PS. Anyone else have trouble taking good photos in the winter? These photos took forever to get 😒😉


  1. These little embroideries are so very cute, I all of a sudden feel the need to learn to stitch little pieces of art.

    1. Thank you Christina. They are very enjoyable to make and so relaxing too. Why don't you give it a go?

  2. I love them all - the teeny tiny bee is so sweet - and turning them into brooches is a fantastic idea. Whoever you gift these to is very, very lucky. x

    1. My mum liked the bee too :) I'm going to gift some to my sewing group friends and some will into my shop. My sewing group hasn't seen them yet, so I hope they like them. Thank you for popping round and leaving a lovely comment.

  3. I've just bought a book on making felt animals as well as some felt squares as a Christmas gift for my daughter - now I want to 'borrow' some of the felt to make some of these... the little bee is adorable. x

    1. That sounds like good fun. I'm sure she wont miss a few little pieces ;)

  4. Your brooches are really beautiful - there's so much detail in them! I like the wintery one best.

    1. Thank you Cecily! The snow flakes were fun to sew but so tricky to photograph!

  5. Hi Bekki, thank you for joining in with my link party! It's been so nice to read your comments on my blog too. Your blog is lovely and I'm looking forward to following along. Your brooches are beautiful! I love the intricate details you've put into them. Just gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I love working on a small scale. Thank you for creating the link party! I've really enjoyed joining in.

  6. These brooches are so sweet! I love that you found a satisfactory use for your mini embroidery projects. I have just finished up some embroidered Christmas ornaments and sent them off to some friends. I have to wait until they receive them before I share the photos on the blog. I have a big window with a deep window sill where I take a lot of winter time photos of my makes. The more light you can get (that isn't direct sunlight) the better the photo. I find that direct sunlight creates too much contrast and it's difficult to see the project clearly.

    1. Thank you for your advice! That may be where I'm going wrong, I've been taking photos with direct light. I don't think anything would help today though, it's so dull outside that I've had the light on all day!

  7. These are so sweet and so lovely. Embroidery is something that I do not have the talent for. It frustrates me to no end, but I find myself wishing I had the talent after viewing your post. Thanks so much for sharing. You've brightened my day.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Julie. I find certain crafts have that effect on me too. Knitting is one of those things for me, I love knitted items but when I try to knit I end up screwed into a tight little ball of frustration and yarn. I should say that I persevered and conquered the skill, but I didn't, I learnt to crochet instead :) Thanks for stopping by.


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